Life in the Spirit Videos

Below you will find the videos and handouts for the talks given during the Life in the Spirit course at St. John Neumann. Click on the particular tab for the day you missed and you’ll be able to view the videos/handouts once available. The videos should be available within 2 days of the talk).

You can also find a Praise & Worship playlist by clicking on that tab. Praise helps us direct our hearts to God. We are given our tongues to express ourselves – so don’t contain your love for God, but express it! You will find a greater joy and freedom develop within you as you allow yourself to praise God in song.

Weather/Postponing a Class: if a particular class has to be postponed because of weather, we will put a notice here and send an email. Please pray that we have good weather. PLEASE CHECK THE “SCHEDULE” TAB FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE SCHEDULE AS EVENTS HAVE FORCED US TO ADJUST THE ORIGINAL SCHEDULE. 

The Father’s Love

This video introduces Life in the Spirit and speaks of God the Father’s love for us. We have knowledge of the Father’s love (which we see every time we look at a crucifix), but are we experiencing the initimacy the Father wants to have with us? This talk is to help you deepen your experience of the Father’s love.

Life in the Spirit (SJN) – Talk#1 Teacher Notes


From Death to Life – Salvation in Christ

This video reveals that salvation is much more than forgiveness or a location (heaven or hell). It is about becoming a new creation, set free from the things that entangle us and brought into the life of the Trinity. This talk discusses God’s incredible intention for us, the faculties he gave us to participate in that intention, how we fell from grace and the effects that had on us, and how Jesus redeemed us so that we can receive the Holy Spirit and live according to God’s wonderful plan for us.

Life in the Spirit – Talk#2 – Handout


The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The talk on the “Power of the Holy Spirit” was supposed to preceed this talk but due to bad weather and prior speaker commitments, we had to move it.  That talk goes into the Holy Spirit and the gifts he gives us for our sanctification. This talk discusses the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives us largely for ministry and evangelization.

“…my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of mankind, but on the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2:4-5)

Life in the Spirit – Talk#3 – Handout


There is no talk or video for this session. This session is devoted to ministry: praying for the “Baptism in the Holy Spirit (BHS).” BHS is not a sacrament, but rather “a distinctive grace that often makes for a clear ‘before’ and ‘after’ in a person’s life, even for a person who was already devout and fervent” (Dr. Mary Healy). It can be what occurs at baptism, but most of us are baptized as infants who don’t have the ability to understand and cooperate with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

This session is an opportunity, to ask the Holy Spirit for a deeper work in your life. As we mentioned earlier, this class is about more than knowledge, it is about experience, being brought into a deeper experience of God’s love and a greater awakening of your spiritual senses through the Holy Spirit. Knoweldge is wonderful and very important, but it is meant to lead us to participate in the love of God which is why the Holy Spirit, the love of God, is poured into our hearts (Romans 5:5).

Baptism in the Holy Spirit makes Jesus Christ known and loved as Lord and Savior, establishes or reestablishes an immediacy of relationship with all those persons of the Trinity, and through inner transformation affects the whole of the Christian’s life. There is new life and a new conscious awareness of God’s power and presence. It is a grace experience which touches every dimension of the Church’s life: worship, preaching, teaching, ministry, evangelism, prayer and spirituality, service and community. Because of this, it is our conviction that baptism in the Holy Spirit, understood as the reawakening in Christian experience of the presence and action of the Holy Spirit given in Christian initiation, and manifested in a broad range of charisms, including those closely associated with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, is part of the normal Christian life.

We encourage the whole Church to look into and embrace baptism in the Holy Spirit “as the power of personal and communal transformation with all the graces and charisms needed for the up-building of the Church and for our mission in the world.” (Fanning the Flame, p.27)

Grace For the New Springtime
United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops

If you were unable to make this night and would like to be prayed with for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, please contact


The Power of the Holy Spirit

This talk is about the tremendous dignity God gives each of us through the Holy Spirit and his power to transform us so that we might experience the love and glory of God.


Growth in the New Life

This talk is about the practical steps you can take to live Life in the Spirit, to become more aware and familiar with the Holy Spirit and deepen your relationship with Jesus and the Father.

Life-in-the-Spirit_Talk#6 (Growth)_022524

Praise and Worship

Praise and worship are vital to the Christian life. What are the Saints doing in heaven? Praising God, it is their delight. If we are to prepare for our life in heaven, shouldn’t praise and worship be part of that? At every Mass, the priest will say “It is truly just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks…”. The Eucharist is the height of our praise and thanksgiving, but our praise doesn’t end when Mass does, it is to be a lifestyle, a new song that wells up within us like a stream of living water refreshing the soul.

No relationship can be truly intimate without an expression of love, and God calls us into the most intimate relationship of all – for “… the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Romans 5:5).

Praise is an important expression of our love for God, and it can actually open our hearts up to the Holy Spirit who can then lead us into a deeper contemplation of God. It is when we are in a position of love, thanksgiving, worship, awe that we are most docile to the Holy Spirit and able to receive from him – and praise often helps us to move ourselves from the distractions and difficulties of the world around us to enter into God’s presence.

Below is a link to a YouTube playlist with several worship songs and lyrics.

Updated Schedule

Below it is the updated schedule. Please check this page as unforeseen events have forced us to postpone a couple classes. We appreciate the parish’s support in extending the Life in the Spirit series to make up for these weeks.

Jan 8 Intro & The Father’s Love
Jan 22 Salvation in Christ
Jan 29 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (for ministry)
Feb 12* Prayer for Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Feb 19** The Power of the Holy Spirit
Feb 26 Growth in the New Life

*This was originally going to be held Feb 5th, but there is a large parish event that developed and required all other activities to be postponed. A relic of St. Jude the Apostle will be present at the parish. Veneration of the relic begins at 1pm, Mass is at 7pm, and veneration closes at 9:30pm.

**This talk was originally meant to follow “Salvation in Christ,” but due to prior speaker engagements and postponements, we moved this to Feb 19.

Please watch the video of Grace Morrison’s testimony about her experience of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. God wants to abundantly bless you!